Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a programme of exercises which gives you a more supple, stronger body and a calmer mind. The exercises taught at Principal Pilates are a modified version of Joseph Pilates's original exercises. This makes them more accessible and relevant to all of us. They are non-aerobic and low-impact exercises.

What are the benefits of Pilates?
  • Easier, fuller movement in the body
  • Both flexibility and strength
  • Better posture
  • Better balance
  • Better coordination
  • Greater body awareness
  • Both rehabilitation and Injury prevention
  • A calmer state of mind
Who can benefit from Pilates?

Everyone aged 16 and over can benefit, particularly people:

  • Referred by a GP, osteopath, chiropractor or other medical practitioner (e.g. because of back pain, joint or postural issues)
  • Those who have to sit and are inactive for long hours due to their work
  • Older adults especially to keep mobility (this can be the case from 30 onwards if you tick the box above too!)
  • Pre and post-natal women
What is the Franklin Method?
The Franklin Method aims to maximise the efficiency of your body movement through visualisation and improved body awareness. It has been developed by Eric Franklin and the Franklin Method team since 1994. Franklin Method equipment is great for reducing muscle tension and so is a perfect complement to the aims of Pilates.
What is Moving Fascia®?
This is a method developed by Evolve Movement Education Ltd to transform and restore the body’s inbuilt ability to move well. Using fascial release tools (balls and soft rollers) and fascial movement techniques.
How can I join a class?
Email, call or text Caroline Hunt. It is preferred to start with a 1-1 session. If that is not possible, a zoom call can be arranged instead. A health and consent form also needs to be filled in first.
What does it cost?
Classes cost £10 each, paid for in advance for the whole term (around 6 weeks long).
What do I need to bring?
Since the pandemic, you will need to bring all kit along to class with you. You will need a thick, comfortable mat, cushions or towels and a pair of green Franklin balls.
What shall I wear?
Comfortable clothing, layers are good so you can remove or add, depending on how warm you feel. All exercises are done without shoes (unless you wear orthotics and prefer to use them for standing exercises).
What's the difference between classes and 1-1 sessions?
In classes, the sequence of exercises aims to work on general aims such as increasing even spinal mobility, increasing body awareness, improving breathing technique etc. In a 1-1, all the exercises are tailored just to your needs on that day. The benefits from a 1-1 should therefore be much greater.
How do I find the classes and 1-1s?

Classes are at:

  • Edmonds Park Pavilion, Park Rd, Didcot OX11 8RF
  • Hagbourne Sports Pavilion, Great Mead Recreation Ground, Great Mead, East Hagbourne, Oxfordshire OX11 9BN

1-1s are at:

  • The Melland Room, Blewbury Clubhouse, Recreation Ground, Bohams Road, Blewbury OX11 9HF

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